Monday, November 28, 2011

Dreams are Goals yet to be Completed

            My first “Big Five for Life” are quite simple and will probably change after I accomplish a few of them. I believe that as we grow older and experience more of the world that like us our “Big Five for Life” will change. My first goal is to study a year aboard.  I decided this after a recent trip to Italy; I loved seeing what it was like to be another country and getting to really experience the culture. I think that it would be amazing to actually live in another country for a period of time. My second goal is to become a nurse anthologist. Part of the reason why I want to do this is because it will truly be a challenge for me. I want to push myself to see if I can actually accomplish it. My third goal is to live in Boston, Massachusetts. It has been a dream of mine to live there ever since I first visited the city. I grew up in a rural area so I have always wanted to know what it is like to live in a city. What I like about Boston is that it is big, but it is not nearly as big as someplace like New York City. Boston also has an old city charm that I love with the cobble stone streets, and the brick town houses. My forth goal for my life is like most others to get married and have healthy children. My fifth and final “Big Five for Life” is to buy a large piece of land in the countryside. With piece of property I want to build my dream house and I also want to have an animal rescue. I have always had a soft spot for animals in my heart and it breaks my heart to see them suffer, so I want to be able to help them and provide them with land to wander and play.  These are my “Big Five for Life” and I hope that I accomplish them and add new goals on to them one day.

Monday, November 21, 2011

To Be Hazed, Or Not to Be Hazed

            Hazing is defined as making a potential member of a group do humiliating or dangerous tasks in order to be initiated into the group or organization. A study showed that the most groups that had hazing were fraternities, sororities, peer groups, and gangs. The study also showed that students who joined a frat, or sorority were hazed 76% of the time, and student athletes were hazed 79% of hazing. Two ways in which hazing can be prevented is by administrations enforcing a no hazing policy on campus. The second way in which hazing can be ended is by encouraging groups to do more safe activities to prevent actives. If you interested in learning more about hazing click on this link
            I believe that hazing is a lot less prevalent now then it was several years ago because certain measures have been taken to prevent it. When people started speaking up about being hazed is when the hazing issue was taken care of and eliminated. I think that hazing shouldn’t be aloud, but if it does happen to you speak up and say no. The person that allows themselves to be hazed is just as responsible as the person doing the hazing. Everyone has a personal responsibility to stand up for what they think is right and wrong. I personally could promote a campus free of hazing by speaking out against, and getting administrates to have harsher policies against those groups or people that do haze. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

John Doe Has Accepted Your Friend Request

The dangers of having and using a Facebook account have become very dangerous to the privacy of its millions of users. In the article Five Hidden Dangers of Facebook the writers of CBSNews (;contentBody) explain the dangers of Facebook’s unexpecting users. The first danger is that the users information is being shared with other third parties. The second danger of Facebook is that privacy settings are not as safe as they claim to be. The third point is that the ads displayed on Facebook can contain viruses. The forth built is that your Facebook “friends” make the user vulnerable. This is because a person on Facebook that you are friends with can be hacked and send you damaging software. The fifth and final danger on the list is that people called scammers are creating fake profiles. A study showed that, “40 percent of all Facebook profiles are fake” if you have a Facebook that means that almost half of all your “friends” are fake. 

I believe that there are dangers in using Facebook, but any one who has an account has to have some knowledge of how risky Facebook is. It is also party the responsible of the Facebook user to make sure that they protect themselves on the social networking sites. Things that people can do to protect themselves on Facebook is having a strong secure password. Also making sure that your profile is set to private so that only the people that you know can see the information that you post. Another tip is to not click on any ads that Facebook may be displaying, most people know not to click on ads because they look like spam anyways. Also educate your friends on how to be safe on Facebook so that they don’t make you more susceptible to viruses. Tell them to create a safe password and let them know that they need to keep their profiles private.  To protect yourself from people with fake profiles make sure that you watch whom you accept as friends. I personally have a Facebook account and I never add people who I don’t know.  If people are smart and safe about how they use Facebook then they can avoid the five hidden dangers of Facebook. 

Monday, November 14, 2011

What will it be?

The ad that I am analyzing is against drunk driving. The first piece of written material that the audience sees first in the advertisement is “Don’t Drink & Drive.” This message pops out of the ad because it is black and red writing on top of a yellow background. When the audience sees the ad they are immediately drawn to those words and they automatically know what message of the ad is. The next piece of written material on the ad is “What pint will you be served tonight?” this is accompanied by a pictorial element. In the background is a man on the left side of the image is half a man dressed as a doctor. In the doctors gloved hand is what I assume to be a pint of blood. On the right side of the image is the other half of the man dressed in regular clothes, with a button down striped shirt. In this mans hand he holds a glass of beer. On his hand you can see that he is wearing a wedding ring, this shows that he is an average everyday man with a family. The ad is asking that if you choose to drink and drive that, you must choose either a pint of blood or a pint of beer.
            I think that this ad is persuasive because it gives a scary realization that if you do drink and drive that you might need a pint of blood. It telling the audience not to drink and drive because if they do it will result in an accident that could lead them to having to get a blood transfusion. This ad is giving the audience an option to not drink and drive and save themselves form a hospital visit.
Advertisement. Easy Home Bar Plans. MADD, 11 Mar. 2011. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. <>.