Monday, November 28, 2011

Dreams are Goals yet to be Completed

            My first “Big Five for Life” are quite simple and will probably change after I accomplish a few of them. I believe that as we grow older and experience more of the world that like us our “Big Five for Life” will change. My first goal is to study a year aboard.  I decided this after a recent trip to Italy; I loved seeing what it was like to be another country and getting to really experience the culture. I think that it would be amazing to actually live in another country for a period of time. My second goal is to become a nurse anthologist. Part of the reason why I want to do this is because it will truly be a challenge for me. I want to push myself to see if I can actually accomplish it. My third goal is to live in Boston, Massachusetts. It has been a dream of mine to live there ever since I first visited the city. I grew up in a rural area so I have always wanted to know what it is like to live in a city. What I like about Boston is that it is big, but it is not nearly as big as someplace like New York City. Boston also has an old city charm that I love with the cobble stone streets, and the brick town houses. My forth goal for my life is like most others to get married and have healthy children. My fifth and final “Big Five for Life” is to buy a large piece of land in the countryside. With piece of property I want to build my dream house and I also want to have an animal rescue. I have always had a soft spot for animals in my heart and it breaks my heart to see them suffer, so I want to be able to help them and provide them with land to wander and play.  These are my “Big Five for Life” and I hope that I accomplish them and add new goals on to them one day.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like five big goals to shoot for, Anna Marie. I love your travel goal. Travel certainly broadens your world view. I lived in Italy for nine months and it was a great experience.
