Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ah L'Amour

The video clip Why Men Don’t Talk to Women ( centralizes around the idea that men don’t talk to women because women constantly reject men. The video exhibits a male walking up to several different women and asking them questions. When approaching the first girl in the series he says, “Hiya, Jan would you like to go to a movie with me?” Jan then responds by saying, “Stop smothering me!” She then proceeds to rip out his heart and beat him to the ground with it. She then breathes fire lighting the heart on fire, and ends it by kicking his head off. The next scenes with the other women continue with the same theme. That is until the last scene when he says, “I have money.” The girl then says, “I love you!” The last scene ends with hearts and rainbows instead of violence.
            I disagree with the author’s viewpoint on why men don’t talk to men. I think that the video is biased and was probably made by a male because it is an extreme exaggeration of why a man wouldn’t talk to a woman. The video portrays women as being evil and rejecting a guy for no reason, unless he has money. I find this to be untrue, being a member of the opposite sex I think there are many reasons as to why guys would get rejected. Guys may be rejected for having bad reputations, or maybe they are just not a good person. I believe that this video clip is very one sided.  

1 comment:

  1. I love your graphic and your summary response was thorough and error free. Thanks, AM!
