Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Veterans Day

          When comparing and contrasting these two veterans posters, I am first drawn to the one that says “Honoring All Who Served” ( The reason why I was drawn to this poster was because of the colors. It has a bright American flag lit up by the sun and clouds in the background. The brightness of this image draws in the viewer compared to the other darker poster. It also has large white easy to read letters. The image is also enhanced by the gold trim, and transparent starts in the background.
         The second poster ( with the foot print in the dirt, does not stand out as much. The poster has small white letters that are hard to read, the letter at the bottom overlap and make it difficult to read. This makes it difficult to know the meaning of the poster. When I look at this poster I do not immediately know what the poster is about. The foot print has a vague meaning, it could be a poster for any number of things.
         I think that the best poster is the the one that reads, “Honoring All Who Served”. The poster has a clear easy to read meaning. From the first glance you can see the patriotism in the poster. It may be simple, but the strong meaning behind it is understood.  

1 comment:

  1. Good job on this analysis, Anna Marie. It probably would have been easier on the reader to see the posters rather than have them click on on the links. Make your blog posts visually appealing by using the insert picture.
