Wednesday, October 12, 2011




           Maine and Florida are both located on the Eastern cost of the United States. That may be all that they have in common the two states are complete polar opposites. Maine is the farthest you can get North without running into Canada, while Florida is as far as you can get south. Despite being complete opposites both states posses unique and extraordinary features that cause them to become vacation hot spots.
          Maine's landscape is rocky and mountainous. Much of the landscape is made up of large rolling green hills, with peaks of rocky mountains, sprinkled with evergreens. Florida's landscape is flat as a penny, for as far as the eye can see. Maine also has one major difference half the year, the land is blanked with a white layer of snow. That transforms the state into a winter wonderland, which of course is accompanied with freezing cold weather. While the state Florida is beamed with sunshine almost all year round. Creating a perfect climate for t-shirts and shorts.
           Florida is one of the few states that is almost entirely surrounded by water. Almost every where you go in Florida there is a incredible view of crystal clear ocean water, with white sandy beaches, dotted with palm trees. While Maine only has ocean along one side of it. Florida is also home to many attractions like Disney World, Universal Studios, Busch Gardens, and so much more. It seems like Florida there is always something to do there. As for Maine there is not so much entertainment.
          Although these two states are very different, it is there beautiful landscapes that draw people to them. Each season of Maine brings something new and exciting, fall brings a rainbow of changing leaves. While Florida offers a good vacation any time of the year whether it be winter or summer, there are always nice beaches to go to. This is why people love these two states so much despite there immense differences.

1 comment:

  1. Much better on the proofreading....there vs their and spelling mistakes like coast (not cost) need fixing.
