Monday, October 17, 2011

Tech Savvy

          The technology tool that I used for my midterm reflection was SlideRocket. I used the SlideRocket tool to do my reflection because I found it very easy to use. The SlideRocket tool provided a lot of help at the beginning, with the five minute interactive tour. I found SlideRocket very easy to use, and I am someone who is not good with technology. If I were to revise the assignment I would probably add more pictures to my slides. Some of my slides do not have any pictures and I think pictures add to the slides. I also may change my font because I am not sure if it is difficult to read or not. Here is a link to my Midterm Reflection Pat II

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link to the presentation. Did you know that you can embed it directly into the blog? Why don't you try doing that using the HTML code and share Embed on the site. Look at my blog.
