Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cyber Robbing

               During a time where internet is the primary source for information, plagiarism has become increasingly common. Students do not understand that using words that are not theirs is a serious crime. With new technology at students fingertips, it makes coping and pasting extremely easy. Ms. Brookover explains that, “Because you're not walking into a library, you're not physically holding the article” it is difficult to know that you are stealing someones intellectual property. Some professors say that undergraduates are not intent on finding their own perspectives and own ideas on topics. Ms. Wilensky claims that one of the main reasons plagiarism happens is because “students leave high school unprepared for the intellectual rigors of college writing.” So the reason for people's uncalled plagiarism is due to a lack of knowledge in a higher degree of learning. This information was from the New York Times Article, Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age.
                My stance on plagiarism, is that it is unnecessary and a lazy thing to do. I believe that if you can take the time to find some thing to copy. Then you can come up with your own ideas on the topic at hand. Intellectual property is very important special thing. Your ideas are unique to you and only you. It is not fair to steal someone elses hard-earned work, because if it were the other way around you would not want that to happen to you.

1 comment:

  1. Great summary and response, A.M. Please fix all the mistakes in mechanics (commas needed after introductory phrases, theirs not theres, someone else's hard-earned work, people's not peoples.
    I love your title and graphic and the live link to the article itself.
