Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Veterans Day

          When comparing and contrasting these two veterans posters, I am first drawn to the one that says “Honoring All Who Served” ( The reason why I was drawn to this poster was because of the colors. It has a bright American flag lit up by the sun and clouds in the background. The brightness of this image draws in the viewer compared to the other darker poster. It also has large white easy to read letters. The image is also enhanced by the gold trim, and transparent starts in the background.
         The second poster ( with the foot print in the dirt, does not stand out as much. The poster has small white letters that are hard to read, the letter at the bottom overlap and make it difficult to read. This makes it difficult to know the meaning of the poster. When I look at this poster I do not immediately know what the poster is about. The foot print has a vague meaning, it could be a poster for any number of things.
         I think that the best poster is the the one that reads, “Honoring All Who Served”. The poster has a clear easy to read meaning. From the first glance you can see the patriotism in the poster. It may be simple, but the strong meaning behind it is understood.  

Monday, October 17, 2011

Tech Savvy

          The technology tool that I used for my midterm reflection was SlideRocket. I used the SlideRocket tool to do my reflection because I found it very easy to use. The SlideRocket tool provided a lot of help at the beginning, with the five minute interactive tour. I found SlideRocket very easy to use, and I am someone who is not good with technology. If I were to revise the assignment I would probably add more pictures to my slides. Some of my slides do not have any pictures and I think pictures add to the slides. I also may change my font because I am not sure if it is difficult to read or not. Here is a link to my Midterm Reflection Pat II

Wednesday, October 12, 2011




           Maine and Florida are both located on the Eastern cost of the United States. That may be all that they have in common the two states are complete polar opposites. Maine is the farthest you can get North without running into Canada, while Florida is as far as you can get south. Despite being complete opposites both states posses unique and extraordinary features that cause them to become vacation hot spots.
          Maine's landscape is rocky and mountainous. Much of the landscape is made up of large rolling green hills, with peaks of rocky mountains, sprinkled with evergreens. Florida's landscape is flat as a penny, for as far as the eye can see. Maine also has one major difference half the year, the land is blanked with a white layer of snow. That transforms the state into a winter wonderland, which of course is accompanied with freezing cold weather. While the state Florida is beamed with sunshine almost all year round. Creating a perfect climate for t-shirts and shorts.
           Florida is one of the few states that is almost entirely surrounded by water. Almost every where you go in Florida there is a incredible view of crystal clear ocean water, with white sandy beaches, dotted with palm trees. While Maine only has ocean along one side of it. Florida is also home to many attractions like Disney World, Universal Studios, Busch Gardens, and so much more. It seems like Florida there is always something to do there. As for Maine there is not so much entertainment.
          Although these two states are very different, it is there beautiful landscapes that draw people to them. Each season of Maine brings something new and exciting, fall brings a rainbow of changing leaves. While Florida offers a good vacation any time of the year whether it be winter or summer, there are always nice beaches to go to. This is why people love these two states so much despite there immense differences.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Porcelain Throne

           The following is a comparison-contrast of two toilet paper commercials: Angel Soft ( and Scott Extra Soft ( The two commercials compare by both claiming that they have the softest toilet paper. Each toilet paper company is advertising their product to a wide range of viewers, both males and females of all ages. Both commercials also get there message across by using male actors accompanied by females later on in the commercial. The location of the two commercials occurs in the persons home, centered primarily in the bathroom. In the end of each commercial a display of the product is left on the screen for a few seconds.
           However both commercials have different methods for advertising their products. The Angel Soft commercial uses a comparison-contrast method. It begins with toilet paper that is too rough, then it is too soft, finally the wife throws Angel Soft which has “just the right balance.” The commercial is then ended with a catchy phrase “An ideal balance of softness and strength.” The Scott Extra Soft commercial incorporates humor and catchy phrases like, “Jeez Louise”, “Holly mackerel”, and “Thats bananas” into the commercial. These phrases make up the commercial, to portray how soft the toilet paper is. Like the Angel Soft commercial, it ends with its own catch phrase, “Scott Extra Soft tissue surprisingly soft.”